Rules for a Football Widow


As the summer comes to a close and cooler weather creeps in, football season begins. Now I’m a fan, a big fan of fall weather, changing leaves, apple cider, and of course a fan of football. However being married to a man who played college football and who likes to attend several games every season, thus leaving me alone for a few weekends, I’ve become a true #FootballWidow.

My husband and I spend a lot of time together but we also believe in time with our girlfriends or guys. It’s healthy to be apart some and good to enjoy your friendships. We attend football games together even went to the UGAvsUNC game to kick off the season but there are weekends where it’s a guy thing and I’m ok with that.

Over the years I’ve found ways to fill in the free time and even though I miss my man, these widow weekends have become quite enjoyable. This weekend was the kick-off of #FootballWidow for me, hubby’s pilgrimage to Indiana to attend the Michigan State vs Notre Dame game occurs every year when it’s on the schedule. So as it’s fresh on my mind, here’s my top rules to follow for coping with the loss of your man or partner during football season:

Rule#1 – Always drink something wonderful!

So he leaves you on a Friday afternoon and your evening is free…sip something bold, beautiful and just enjoy a little quiet time. If you’re any bit like me, you rarely take time for yourself to just center, refresh and refocus. Take the moment and reflect with a nice spirt of your choice. This Friday I choose something new out of our wine refrigerator, it was light, sweet with notes of berries and just down out perfect to end a long hot week in Georgia. Cheers!

Rule#2 – Retail Therapy

Well for me shopping is obviously on the schedule. Fall is on the way and new styles are in the stores ready for me to bring them home. After a few nice cups of coffee I headed in to see my favorite Personal Stylist (who I haven’t seen in awhile) and she was ready to pull a few trendy items for me to try. I mean who doesn’t love to shop? Go on, take a quick inventory of your fall closet and head to your favorite store. If you want to give Christy a call, let me know, I highly recommend a Personal Stylist and she’s the bomb! #Overthekneeboots

Rule#3 – Festival Feast

Yes it’s football season which is awesome but it’s also festival season. Check your local area for a fun art, music or food festivals and get outside. I used the time to double down with a little one-on-one time with my daughter and pup. Both of them love food, fresh air, people and fun activities (win/win). It’s a great way to spend the day, try new food, chill to some music, find fun original art and just enjoy the cooler weather temps. #JerkChicken

Rule#4 – Watch the Game

I hear a few of you non-football fans grumbling. Yeah, yeah for those of you who don’t like football, I suggest you stick to this rule and here’s why. When your hubby arrives back Sunday afternoon tired, wanting to sleep in his own bed, maybe nursing a slight hang-over, all he is thinking is that he just wants to be home with his loving wife. The same loving wife who went shopping will be glad to see him but will have watched the game and be able to talk to him about the big plays or misses. If you watched the #MSUvsND game then you know which ones I mean. Hubby will be impressed with your knowledge of the game and eager to talk with you about what it was like to be at the game. #LoveHim

Rule #5 – Lobby your Hobby

Spend a little time on one of your hobbies; I have several from hiking, blogging, trail walking with pup, sewing, redecorating, reading, cooking etc. I think you get the idea. We all get so busy with our day-to-day lives and schedules that sometimes our hobbies get kicked to the curb. Reinvest in one of your favorite hobbies and when your hubby asks you what did you do this weekend, you’ll be full of excitement and ready to share all the fun things you did. Maybe even take up a new hobby or take a class on photography or other topics that interest you. I once took one of those corporate personality tests where it highlights your strengths and weaknesses, found that I am organized, highly motivated, and of course type A personality. The only weakness highlighted was my “fun” level. Work, work, work makes us all a little dull, get out those old knitting needles, softballs, or paintbrushes out dusted off and reinvest in FUN! #FunIsFabulous

So those are my top 5 Rules for us Football Widows…what are yours? If you have other suggestions let us know!

GoDawgs & RiseUpFalcons!


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