Liebster Award!

My blog SpanishMossSeries has been nominated for the Liebster Award! What is this award you might ask? The Liebster is given to new bloggers by their fellow bloggers as recognition for a job well done and a welcome to the blogosphere. It's an honor to be recognized by my blogging family and I'm humbled to... Continue Reading →

Market Excursions

Clear skies, temp over 50 degrees, sunny Saturday and no football...what to do? We decided to take an excursion to our area farmers markets including Atlanta State Farmers Market and Dekalb Farmers Market. We headed down south of Atlanta to the state of Georgia's farmers market. Since Georgia agriculture is primarily warm season fruits, vegetables,... Continue Reading →

Anger Rocks

Yep we've all felt anger, we developed it even, fed it so it grows deep inside until we have to explode. Anger has driven me to have a successful education, career, family life, healthy living and overall a better person. Anger ROCKS! Per a 2008 report by The CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,... Continue Reading →

Modern Southern Lady

The United States has 3.8 million square miles of landmass and has a vast topography with different regions, climates and cultures. As our population grows and blends we find that the lines of differences between cultures is blurred. Some may say that the "Old South" hasn't changed and remains stuck in-time with outdated traditions and... Continue Reading →

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